Poems Quarantine Logs Rants

I am too young to be nostalgic.

It’s a game for the silver-haired, So my sun-bleached hair grays  Under the lack of sun rays. I reared Anxiety in this toxic climate, flayed My patience against ears deafened By ignorance or pain. Still, unquestioned. But when time loses its meaning, Structures crumble and pulverize: Each day stretch into months while a month Slip […]

My Neighbor Tartarus

0. Tartarus

Tartarus is usually a place that alludes normal comprehension. If you are one of the unfortunate souls that find themselves there, you would sooner or later figure out that if you walk, you would be met with nothing but unending darkness. If you run, the darkness gains mass and forms itself into a solid wall […]

Miscellaneous My Neighbor Tartarus

“My Neighbor Tartarus” Re-relaunch

Dear Readers, If the title is not telling enough, I’m happy (?) to say that I’m attempting to start a serie again! And, this is not just any series, but the one that I attempted in 2017 (?), attempted again in 2018, only to no avail. Since life is more or less an uncertain blob […]

Quarantine Logs

7. Musing of the Night

I often wonder why nighttime brings me so much comfort, especially since the quarantine. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that my hometown possesses an infinite stretch of lawns. The city government seems to have no problem hiring mowers to fill the air with gas and particulates every single day if it meant that all […]

Quarantine Logs

6. Hanging Out, Hang On

[CW: reference to suicide and self-harm] Do you remember reading The Giver? I nearly forgot about that colorless world until I found myself paralyzed by sorrows, looking out the window of my room. I had a particularly bad argument with my mother yesterday: she compared me to the man that hurt her because she didn’t […]

Poems Quarantine Logs

5. Once Upon a Sunset

I attribute my love for sunsets to my obsession for things that I no longer have: the great, sinking star falling into the Earth’s horizons a representation of better days, sculpted by nostalgia, smoothing.   Am I wrong to desire the fleeting beauty? To reach out my hand with a paintbrush and brush any blessings […]

Quarantine Logs Rants

4. Burn Out

How do I tell someone that their love suffocates? That just because they care doesn’t mean that they get to dissect my skin, my face, the boyish way that I walk when I don’t feel safe. How does one explain that what is supposed to be home feels as fragile as a bed of ancient […]

Quarantine Logs

3. Fizzle Out

Do you remember how the little mermaid met her end? She couldn’t bring herself to spill the blood of her prince, he who spurned her even after she willingly lend her voice and walked everywhere with legs, minced.   She leapt into the ocean when the sun rises, turning into infinite foam, everywhere and nowhere. […]

Quarantine Logs

2. Baby, it’s cold inside

This dream was a little closer to home. I must have fallen asleep with my blankets, wrapped too tightly around me to the point that I was so warm that I felt cold. The tendrils of cool air didn’t strike me as unsettling, but rather refreshing in a subtly humid SoCal summer night. So, I […]

Autobiography Go and Work Our Garden

Tangled Branches

As this Frankenstein’s-monster-of a semester is coming to an end, I find myself growing so nostalgic and retrospective that I had to pick up a pen and start a random tirade on whatever my current mediocre predicament is. For any of you who actually cast any sprinkle of attention to this site, you might have […]