Short Stories

Colony of Seagulls

There once was a bridge over the meeting of a stream and sea, a teetering plank of wood so lean that the mellowest bellow of wind would shake it so. No one from the nearest village knew which fool thought it a good idea to tempt children like that. “If I was young, and these […]

Short Stories Tales from Tartarus

Stars and Paints and Lights and Crayons

She could almost feel the fire if she just reach enough. She hears the cries of the bright dots in the black, black sky, and she laughs at their silly jokes. Sometimes ma or pa would ask what she was giggling about, so she would tell it to them. Or sometimes, she would draw it. […]

Short Stories Tales from Tartarus


Death went by many forms, they said. The most prominent one was most eccentric: raven wings, goggles, slippers and a night tunic. They said sometimes, his familiar, Night, would be with him: a little owl with a big personality. “They” were oddly specific. Death wondered the world collecting souls, they said. Closing tired eyes with […]

Go and Work Our Garden Short Stories

In the Crack

“Look, child, everything the moss touches is our kingdom.” “So, does that mean we only have this little corner?” “Do not question our kind’s ever so subtle domination! One day, the moss will grow.” “I…really don’t know how I feel about this.” “Oh, they come. Be quiet now, child.” “I don’t think they can hear […]

Autobiography Short Stories

The Roommate

Short Stories


He didn’t use to like it, the forceful explosions of colorful flames were but yet another science phenomenon coinciding with human standards of beauty. What’s so exciting about polluting the world with smog and noise and litters of food wrappers and cans and frightened pets running astray? But, this year is different. As he found […]

Short Stories


She was there first, she beat the waves. Her hand brushed the rough, splintered wood of the beachside rails before the urge of Poseidon crashed against ragged, stubborn rocks tamed by weather. The conflict roared and tumbled into a froth of old selves in sediments. Her sentiments? Untouched, her hand merely smarted as she continued […]

Short Stories

Morning Walks to School

The air stank of cut grass and the fumes belonging to the author of the stench. ‘Tis the smell of uniformity, the blood of rebels who dared to outgrow the concrete bonds of humanity. I tried to focus on the cracks on the floor, stretching across each rectangle aiming my steps beyond those lives to […]

Short Stories

The Snail Crossing the Road

I saw your daring brilliance that morn’, shortly after the rain. God cried in my place and I thought I would hike a mountain to pretend that the elevation would bring me closer to Him, Her, It…? They, now that’s a more progressive term to appease my soul tainted by liberal rhetoric. But political turmoil […]

Autobiography Short Stories

I thought I was done being vulnerable.

I thought I was done being vulnerable. That if I pull up a GDocs and fill it with writing that I can pretend that I’m proud of, hiding metaphors and symbols and allusions that all points to…you, I will be distracted from the problem. Yet from the corner of my eyes, amongst the sea of […]